The ”Roller Coaster Physics: STEM in Action,” ”Animal Patterns: Integrating Science & Art,” and ”Table for 22: A Real-World Geometry Project” videos demonstrate effective uses of cooperative learning.Watch each video and respond to the following questions separately for each video in short-answer format:In addition, in an essay of 250-500-words, describe three ”takeaways” that you will incorporate into your future teaching practices that will help students work productively, explaining how, specifically, you expect the strategies will help the students.Cite three professional articles or texts that support your claims.
The ”Roller Coaster Physics: STEM in Action,” ”Animal Patterns: Integrating Science & Art,” and ”Table for 22: A Real-World Geometry Project” videos demonstrate effective uses of cooperative learning.Watch each video and respond to the following questions separately for each video in short-answer format:In addition, in an essay of 250-500-words, describe three ”takeaways” that you will incorporate into your future teaching practices that will help students work productively, explaining how, specifically, you expect the strategies will help the students.