
The Systematic Evaluation of Alogliptin’s (Nesina) Cost-Effectiveness in Treating Type 2 Diabetes

Topic: The Systematic Evaluation of Alogliptin’s (Nesina) Cost-Effectiveness in Treating Type 2 DiabetesOrder DescriptionINSTRUCTIONS:Assume that your group is a P&T committee of a health plan and you are a member on the committee. There is a new drug that would like to get onto your health plan’s formulary. Please conduct a systematic review including all the pharmacoeconomic literature on the drug and make a recommendation whether or not the drug should be included on your health plan’s formulary based on the results of the systematic review you conducted. No more than 10 pages double-spaced excluding figure 1 and table 1.1. You will use the paper “The Systematic Evaluation of Alogliptin’s (Nesina) Cost-Effectiveness in Treating Type 2 Diabetes” -This will be attached as a word document.1. You will create Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Table 1 based on the attached paper.-SEE “INSTRUCTIONS” document for the Complete Instructions and for the Manuscript and Table 1 template. I highlighted the most important things in red.2. Please see “Sample Article” document on how to make Table1. This will be attached as a word document.Table 1. Summary of Studies Included in the Review (see Table 1 in sample article “Cost-Effectiveness of Interventions to Prevent and Control Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review”)3.Please Explain…what is the meaning of ” sensitivity and the specificity ” on the first line of the second paragraph under “Methods” section on the paper(attached).- I highlighted in red color.4. I need the copy of the articles that you mentioned in the paragraph. – “free-full texts, articles that were submitted within the last (5) five years”. -You will find it on the first paragraph under “Methods” section.I highlighted in red on the paper.FOCUS OF THE PAPER:Focus of the paper–this paper should only focus on cost effectiveness of the drug and only review pharmacoeconomic studies on the drug2. Inclusion of clinical trials–this paper should review both clinical trials and observational studies.3. Availability of articles–if some articles meet all the inclusion and exclusion criteria but not available free of charge, please get a copy of the articles.Please incorporate the comments and make suggested changes. In your final submission, there should include a title page, revised introduction, revised methods, results, discussions, conclusion, revised figure 1, table 1, and complete references.References: AMA StyleThe references and articles need to be available or free access.

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