(Important Side Note to the writer – please make the essay comprehendible and focused, do not use overly-complicated/cryptic formulations or too extravagant language (although I obviously want to maintain a very high level of english) this is important since this has to reflect my words, the way I would write it. This essay is part of an introductory course in english so I wish for the level of writing to stay within these boundaries, I’m NOT interested in a PHD graduate thesis. I’d rather see an effectively, cohesive written essay that gets to the point, rather than drifting off into theory or off topic. However, it is very important to still include reasoning and theory; examples, thought pattern (the reason/s you think a certain way). Just don’t go over the top.)
Use the text ”Ain’t I A Woman?” (Sojourner Truth – 1797-1883)
in compendium D – (Gender Equality) and analyse its form and contents using the rhetorical tool kit from compendium C. Make sure that you have understood the historical context of the text, using the course’s lectures and additional sources if necessary. Use your training in academic writing to keep your paragraphs focused and grammatically correct. Your essay should be 700 words long (+/- 10%) and should provide correct references where possible (using the style sheet found in the attached file ’assignment_basicstylesheet.pdf’ as a guide). Keep in mind that the quotations you use in your essay are not included in the word count. We recommend, however, that you avoid using long quotations in an essay of this length.
To reference material from the compendium, follow the examples below:
Works Cited List:
For compendium as a whole:
Avril, Chloé and Houman Sadri. (Eds.) 2014. EN1110 – English-Speaking Cultures Compendium (unpublished compendium).
For individual articles in the compendium:
Carroll, Joseph. 2014. The Truth about Fiction. EN1110 – English-Speaking Cultures Compendium (unpublished compendium). Eds. Chloé Avril and Houman Sadri. n.pag.
In-text citations
According to Carroll (2014: n.pag.), culture is defined as…
*n.pag. means that there are no page numbers.
!! Remember that you need to follow the style sheet carefully when writing your cultural assignments 2 and 3 !!
Your text should be in Times New Roman 12, 1,5 spaced. Your references, both in-text citations and bibliography, should adhere either to the style sheet (Author Year: Page) – Author (Year: page) … or to the APA (Author, year, p.) – Author (Year) … (p.).
Grading criteria
To qualify for a Pass (G), students must:
* write a clearly structured analysis of one of the texts studied in class (Compendium C, D or E) taking into consideration both its form and content,
* show understanding of concepts of rhetorical analysis and make explicit and relevant use of them to analyze the text,
* write in good academic English,
* clearly differentiate between what is the student’s own words and arguments and what are those of others,
* follow the appropriate format conventions
To qualify for a High Pass (VG), students must:
* write an effectively structured analysis of one of the texts studied in class (Compendium C, D or E) taking into consideration both its form and content,
* show a nuanced understanding of concepts of rhetorical analysis and make informed and insightful use of them to analyze the text,
* write in highly proficient academic English,
* clearly differentiate between what is the student’s own words and arguments and what are those of others,
* follow very consistently the appropriate format conventions.