
Water treatment (Neskantaga first Nation in Ontario)

Water treatment (Neskantaga first Nation in Ontario)Order Description2.4.2 State of the Art (SOTA) ReportEach student will prepare and submit an individual state-of-the-art (SOTA) report asdescribed below.Purpose of the SOTA ReportThe purpose of the SOTA research is to gather the necessary backgroundinformation to tackle your project effectively. Engineering design is not a purelycreative exercise, but is built on what has been done before. When beginning adesign project, it is important to gather information and conduct research to findanswers to questions like:? What is the nature of the problem, and how might technology be used tocreate a solution?? Has anybody solved this problem before? If so, how did they do it? How welldid it work? Can we improve on their solution?? Has anybody solved a similar problem in a completely different domain?Maybe the solution can be found in nature. The idea for Velcro came from theway burrs stick to a dog’s fur.? Are there some new or emerging technologies that can be applied to theproblem? Maybe these technologies make some old ideas feasible, or someold problems solvable. Sometimes emerging technologies are solutionslooking for problems. The Goretex company developed a way to coat wirewith Teflon. The application they had in mind didn’t work out, but theydiscovered that these wires made excellent guitar strings.? What are the key analytical and/or experimental methods and techniques youwill need to successfully solve the problem?Specific RequirementsThe topic of your SOTA report should relate to what your team is doing for DesignProject III. The SOTA reports should be used to help identify the needs of a targetcommunity, the potential avenues for meeting those needs, and the current state ofpractice in this area. Each group member should work independently on their SOTAreport, ideally on a topic different from (but related to) the other group members.Your SOTA report shall be prepared using a font size of 11 points and 1.5 linesspacing and must be less than 2000 words plus figures. You must include areference list in APA style. This list should contain at least 10 references to scholarly,reliable sources such as journal articles, books, trade publications, standards,patents, and government websites. In your reference list, also include any othersources you consult (for example, supplier websites, news media). The report mustcontain the following:1. Search Log and ReferencesSearch Log: Keep track of the process you follow to find information for yourSOTA report. Show evidence of brainstorming for keywords (diagram or list).You are expected to search in the library catalogue and article databases (suchas Compendex and Scopus), and you may also use online search engines (suchas Google or Google Scholar).For each place you look (catalogue, database, search engine), your search logshould include:• the date you did your research• where you searched, and your rationale for that choice• what search terms you used, and how you combined them• how you modified your search as you proceededAlso make note of points such as: useful subject headings, searches that wereparticularly helpful (or useless), problems you ran into and how you addressed those.Upon completion of your research, the search log should be typed and added as anAppendix to your SOTA report.2. Survey and assessment of current technology and existing solutions.The body of your report should present a summary of existing technology related toyour design topic. Some examples of what might be included are:? a technical description of relevant engineering and scientific principles? benchmarks of the best products/technologies/solutions? identification of any relevant design failures and lessons to be learned? examination of the design features and tradeoffs of the best-in-class designs? identification of technological factors limiting performance. For example, indigital photography, larger image sensors are more expensive but give betterimages. The technological challenge is to reduce the cost of large sensorsand/or improve the performance of small ones.3. Survey and assessment of relevant emerging technology.As mentioned, emerging technology may make innovative solutions possible. Inyour report, you should identify and discuss any relevant emerging technology.? What new technologies are fundamentally reshaping the market? An examplewould be digital technology and photography.? What new technologies have potential to radically reshape the market in thenext few years? Examples include optical computing, DNA computing,nanotechnology, etc. Assessment criteria may include the following:? Performance in satisfying requirements.? Human factors and ease of use.? Technological tradeoffs and limitations.? Technological readiness. Is the new technology sufficiently developedto be practical? Where are we on the S-curve?? Potential benefits. How much better is the new technology comparedto the best existing technology?? Cost.? Environmental friendliness.The report must be submitted both as a paper copy and as an electronic copythrough Turnitin.com on Owl. All papers will be subject to submission for textualsimilarity review to the commercial plagiarism detection software under license to theUniversity for the detection of plagiarism. All papers submitted will be included assource documents in the reference database for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of papers subsequently submitted to the system. Use of the service is subject to thelicensing agreement, currently between The University of Western Ontario andTurnitin.com.

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