
What are the advantages of using an ordered array?

1.      What are the inefficiencies associated with using an unordered array if duplicates are not allowed?

  1. What are the advantages of using an ordered array?
  2. When would using an unordered array be preferred over using an ordered array?
  3. Define Big-Oh notation. Explain how z and c in the definition relate to the evaluation of algorithm efficiency.
  4. Why does computer science often describe algorithms in terms of lginstead of ln?
  5. How do you convert ln(x) to lg(x)?
  6. Give an example of algorithm with Big-Oh values of: N2, N lgN, 1, and N.
  7. Why is Big-Oh 2represent an algorithm called intractable?

9.      How much slower would a linear search be on 1024 items than 16 items?

  1. How much slower would a binary search be on 1024 items than on 16 items?

Part 3     Implement the program.

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