the security representative for Computers, Security, and Investigations Inc. (CSII) in Centervale, you are the first responder to an emergency telephone call reporting that someone inside the computer lab may have been accessing child pornography. The security policy requires that you, as the first responder, investigate and document incidents fully.As the first responder, you notify your immediate supervisor and close the lab for the rest of the day. Your supervisor, the chief security officer (CSO), requests a 6- to 8-page comprehensive report that details the situation and your actions as the first responder. You also consider contacting the director of the information technology (IT) department and the local authorities.You are a security professional and not a law enforcement officer. You realize, however, that your work as the first responder is important for corporate responsibilities and further legal considerations. You are aware that your documentation could greatly affect the corporate policies and the prosecution of the individual.What considerations will your documentation present for the corporation? What considerations will your documentation present for law enforcement? Please itemize how this can affect both entities. Here’s What You Need to Do . . . Assume you were assigned the task of conducting a thorough investigation. Analyzing evidence from the scenario and using research from your course readings, complete a 6- to 8-page comprehensive report of the situation:
What considerations will your documentation present for law enforcement?