1. What are the inefficiencies associated with using an unordered array if duplicates are not allowed?
- What are the advantages of using an ordered array?
- When would using an unordered array be preferred over using an ordered array?
- Define Big-Oh notation. Explain how z and c in the definition relate to the evaluation of algorithm efficiency.
- Why does computer science often describe algorithms in terms of lginstead of ln?
- How do you convert ln(x) to lg(x)?
- Give an example of algorithm with Big-Oh values of: N2, N lgN, 1, and N.
- Why is Big-Oh 2N represent an algorithm called intractable?
9. How much slower would a linear search be on 1024 items than 16 items?
- How much slower would a binary search be on 1024 items than on 16 items?
Part 3 Implement the program.